Our Educational Leader is Emma Horley. We believe children learn through play in a stimulating environment with caring teachers. We place a great deal of emphasis upon connection. Connection with each other, connection with community and connection with nature. Our nature based program encourages a love of and respect for nature.

Our Educational Leader is Emma Horley. We believe children learn through play in a stimulating environment with caring teachers. We place a great deal of emphasis upon connection. Connection with each other, connection with community and connection with nature. Our nature based program encourages a love of and respect for nature.

Children are enabled to explore our bush tucker garden/outdoor environment building deep knowledge, skills, respect and a sense of wonder in the natural world. Our experienced and qualified educators not only share their knowledge and passion for the natural world but also delight in learning alongside the children.

We model and encourage scientific processes such as careful observation, prediction, investigation, hypothesising and testing, as well as encouraging dispositions such as patience, persistence, respect and the disposition to look closely at the world.

Children develop both factual and heuristic knowledge and skills, enhancing their confidence and self esteem.

The program provides a learning environment that encourages children to discover, create, imagine, construct and initiate. An opportunity to develop self help skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving, build self-confidence and esteem are encouraged.

We provide a balance of indoor and outdoor, active and passive, individual, small and large group activities that include experiences across the curriculum field such as language, literacy, creative expression, gardening, bush walks, construction, science, maths, drama, music and movement.

The Early Years Learning Framework forms the foundation for the program and teaching practices.

Our trained, experienced staff are knowledgeable about early childhood theories and perspective that best support children’s learning and continually enrich their understandings through resource books and professional development training. The program is displayed on our notice board.

Feel free to chat to staff for more information about any of the planned experiences. Significant experiences of each day are seen through photos displayed on Storypark each day.

Our sustainability vision is to nurture a deep love and respect for our sacred Earth and each other.

We aim to cultivate a positive, peaceful, and respectful attitude for caring for all life & to nurture a deep connection to the natural world, working together for a sustainable future.

Some Testimonials

“We’ve loved being within the arms of your collective care! Reuben is one of your biggest fans (and so are we!)”

Reuben, Meg, Julian & Tobhiya

“Thank you for all of your support and love over the past two years. We will hold you in our hearts and memories. Thanks for being the best teachers ever! Thank you for being the best Preschool ever- with lots of trees and a bush tucker garden.”
